Presentation guidelines > Poster presentation
The conference program will include specific times for viewing posters. Authors are expected to be present at their poster during the poster session assigned for their poster presentation. If your abstract has been accepted as a poster presentation at GENP2024, please follow the guidelines below when preparing your poster:
– Poster presenters are advised to create their poster in maximum A0 format, which is 841mm (width) x 1,189mm (height). – Portrait orientation – Text and graphics should be readable from a distance of 2 meters (6 feet).
Authors should bring their own printed poster to the conference. We are unable to accept posters in advance by mail or print them on site. Each board will be numbered in the upper left or right corner. Be sure to place your presentation on the board with the number of your poster that will appear in the final program you receive at the conference. Materials for attaching your poster will be provided by the organizers. Removal and collection of posters at the end of the display period is the responsibility of the presenter. Posters not removed by the specified time will be removed and disposed of.